RKT 2018

Written by Rahmat on .

PT Ratah Timber secara "Self Approval" telah menetapkan RKT Tahun 2018, sesuai Surat Keputusan Direktur Utama PT Ratah Timber  Nomor : 307/RTC.S/D.2.d/XII/2017  pada tanggal 31 Desember 2017.

Surat Keputusan RKT ini berlaku tanggal 1 Januari 2018 dan berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2018.

Target tebangan tahunan seluas 2.023,17 Ha dengan volume tebangan maksimal sebesar 58.648,80 M3.

Target untuk Kelompok Meranti sebesar 57.903,55 M3, Kelompok Rimba Campuran sebesar 407,15 M3 dan Kelompok Kayu Indah sebesar 338,10 M3.

Adapun lokasi RKT Tahun 2018 seperti peta dibawah.

Agroforestry Menetap Upaya Mengurangi Perluasan Lahan Terbuka dan Kritis

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Dilema Ladang Gilir Balik Di Areal Izin IUPHHK

PT. Ratah Timber menurut keputusan Menteri Kehutanan No. 359/Menhut-II/2009 mendapat ijin konsesi seluas ±93.425 Ha, yang secara administratif berada di Kecamatan Long Hubung, Kabupaten Mahulu, Kalimantan Timur. Di sekitar area terdapat desa Mamahak teboq dan Lutan yang sebagian besar adalah masyarakat adat Dayak yang masih menerapkan sistem mengelola sumberdaya alam  khususnya lahan untuk bertanam dengan sistem ladang gilir balik. Bagi masyarakat kedua desa, tanah garapan/ ladang/ pemukiman mereka pandang sebagai tanah ulayat, namun secara administrasi kehutanan berada dalam kawasan hutan IUPHHK. 

Gambar 1. Foto a) Perladangan yang baru di buka;   Foto b) lokasi perladangan yang berbentuk semak belukar

Sayangnya sistem perladangan gilir balik yang diterapkan masyarakat dilakukan di areal yang telah ditetapkan menjadi area PT. Ratah Timber, proses untuk berladang ini beberapa tahun terakhir cenderung meluas sehingga dapat dikategorikan perambahan, yang berakibat bagi perusahaan berkurangnya areal hutan yang dapat diproduksi terutama di sekitar Sungai Ratah dan anak sungainya. Biasanya setelah 1–3 tahun lokasi perladangan akan ditinggalkan. Perlakuan ini memunculkan kawasan-kawasan non-produktif dalam bentuk belukar-belukar dengan umur berbeda.

Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi tersebut adalah melalui CSR PT. Ratah Timber dengan mengurangi perambahan dan mendorong penerapan agroforestry oleh masyarakat, sehingga masyarakat secara ekonomi dapat lebih bertahan dan dari sisi perusahaan perluasan area lahan terbuka, lahan non produktif, lahan kritis dan perluasan perambahan dapat dikurangi.

PT. Ratah Timber saat ini sedang melakukan pemetaan secara partisipatif, yang didahului dengan kegiatan Pengkajian Desa Secara Partisipatif atau Participatory Rural Apraissal (PRA). Diharapkan hasil pemetaan partisipatif tersebut dapat menjadi acuan untuk pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan secara berkelanjutan dan mendorong masyarakat untuk turut berperan aktif juga. 

Agroforestry Salah Satu Solusi 

Pengembangan program agroforestry bagi PT. Ratah Timber sejalan dengan amanat dari visi PT. Ratah Timber yaitu ”Perusahaan melaksanakan pengelolaan hutan secara efisien dan profesional  guna menjamin fungsi dan mamfaat hutan secara lestari untuk kesehjahteraan masyarakat”. 

Dan Misi no. 3 yaitu “Melaksanakan pengelolaan hutan secara partisipatif sesuai karakteristik wilayah untuk mendapatkan mamfaat yang optimal bagi perusahaan dan masyarakat disekitar hutan”.

Pengembangan Program Agroforestry di Desa Mamahak Teboq dan Lutan, diawali dengan hasil kajian PRA (Partisipatory Rural Appraisal) yang telah dilaksanakan pada tahun 2010 diwujudkan dalam bentuk program kerja PT. Ratah Timber. Dimana program – program tersebut dirancang dengan tujuan untuk :

  1. Memberdayakan masyarakat yang berada di sekitar areal kerja perusahaan dengan mengikutsertakan masyarakat (selaku stakeholder) dalam kegiatan penegembangan agroforestry, sehingga antara warga/Kelompok Masyarakat dengan perusahaan terjalin suatu kemitraan;
  2. Merehabilitasi areal hutan produksi yang tidak produktif/areal tanah kosong (areal bekas kebakaran, bekas perladangan) dengan budidaya tanaman karet;
  3. Mengurangi kegiatan perladangan di kawasan hutan karena adanya sumber pendapatan alternativ yang lebih menguntungkan bagi masyarakat;
  4. Memaksimalkan lahan dengan program penunjang; berupa: tumpang sari/tanaman sela dengan jenis tanaman palawija/hortikultura;
  5. Menghindari/meminimalisir potensi konflik antara sesama warga masyarakat maupun dengan perusahaan;
  6. Secara keseluruhan program ini merupakan implementasi mitigasi perubahan iklim.



Dampak Program

Sejak tahun 2014, program sudah mulai menampakkan hasil, 14.ha lahan yang semula terbuka sekarang sudah mulai ditumbuhi tanaman karet dan tanaman semusim berupa tanaman hortikultura (sayuran). Tanaman karet yang telah ditanampun sudah mulai memperlihatkan pertumbuhan yang baik, sudah mencapai tinggi sekitar 5 – 6 meter. Sementara secara ekonomi, dari hasil tanaman semusim telah beberapa kali panen. seperti. (jenis sayuran dan tanaman lainnya yang telah dipanen). 


Foto Tanaman karet (umur produktif) saat ini yang ada di lahan Agroforestry Petani Binaan PT. Ratah Timber.

Dari sisi sosial mulai dirasakan oleh perusahaan keluhan masyarakat terhadap perusahaan mulai berkurang, terutama pembukaan lahan untuk ladang gilir balik sudah mulai berkurang di areal hutan produksi. 


Foto Pondok kerja (shelter) sebagai tempat untuk mengumpulkan hasil panen dan Pohon karet yang sudah di sadap, terlihat bekas toresan yang banyak menunjukkan umur panen.


Selama hampir lebih dari satu dasawarsa program dilaksanakan peran aktif masyarakat menjadi kunci utama keberhasilan program, serta proses sosialisasi program secara intensif dan terus menerus menjadi pendorong program diterima di masyarakat. Selain itu tim kerja CSR yang turut membaur dengan masyarakat juga turut menjadi kunci keberhasilan program. Serta dukungan finansial dan komitmen pimpinan perusahaan turut mendukung keberhasilan program.


Foto Bergeraknya ekonomi masyarakat karena adanya usaha produktif dari kegiatan perkebunan karet dan pertanian menetap lainnya mendorong kemajuan sarana dan prasarana di kampung

Ecosystem Services Certification Document (Carbon Sequestration and Storage)

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Ecosystem Services Certification Document

Declaration of the ecosystem services for Carbon Sequestration and Storage

1. Description of the current condition of the declared ecosystem service(s) and the area that is being managed to maintain and/or enhance the ecosystem service(s) within the management unit (Step 2)

(Table 1).

Table 1.Zonation areas in forest concession on Ratah Timber. (Management plan 2013; Work Plan Revision 2010

Ratah Timber is already managedfor timber production. They have already implemented reduce impact logging (RIL) practices, and developed management plan for biodiversity.
East Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia with a high focus on  REDD+ , the local government is leading the REDD activities
in each sector. Ratah Timber is one of sites with highest potential to be part of REDD implementation and the activities in Ratah can
contribute to the regional strategy. The emission levels in East Kalimantan are calculatedbased on annual series and driver causes to determine program objectives. Consequently,, Ratahcan contribute to reducing emisions and setting examples for the province, both in terms of management activities and carbon accounting methods ( based on Kyoto University and WWF Indonesia)

2. Threats to the declared ecosystem service(s) within and outside of the management unit (Step 3)

Based on the ES activities, Ratah Timber concession has identified the major threats for carbon sequestration and storage.1. Encroachment of forest concession conducted by local people. Activities to mitigate threats

A. Encroachment of forest concession conducted by local people. Activities to mitigate threats

  1. Patrol and monitoring in the forest concession.
  2. Install information boards about the prohibition to convert forests and related punishment c. Raise awareness about the regulation that prohibits conversion to farm.
  3. Collaborate s with communities to implement reforestation activities in opened areas e. Monitoring and ground checktheforest cover areas in the concession.

B. Illegal loggings activities by local communities. . Activities to mitigate threats

  1. Patrol and monitoring in the forest concession.
  2. Raise awareness about the regulation that prohibits illegal logging in the forest concessions.
  3. Install information boards about the prohibition of illegal logging and related punishment Check by satellite Landsat the location of deforestation areas.

C. Forest fire. Activities to mitigate threats

  1. Patrol and monitoring in the areas with fire potential.
  2. Raise awareness about the regulation that prohibits to start forest with the fire (burning forest), especially in areas with high risk.
  3. Put the prohibition for forest areas with high risk fire (hot spot fire).
  4. Ground check and monitoring with Landsat satellite to identify hot spot in the dry forest (low land and peat land).
  5. Implement an early warning system.

3. Description of the baseline for the selected outcome indicator(s) (Step 6)

The baseline for carbon stock was set in July 2010 and it is based on 50 circular plots based on stratum 1 until 5. The difference between the baseline and the measurement in February 2015 was later compared to the regional reference level.
Here, impacts on carbon were estimated based on a counterfactual approach, as described in the PRO-30-006 V1-0 draft 1-0. The baseline of carbon emission was based on the statistical data provided by (IndonesianNational Carbon Accounting System) INCAS in 2015 and used as a reference level here. The INCAS’ databaseis primarily designed to estimate GHG emissions and removals at the national and subnational levels. The INCAS utilizes the best available data and information, and transparent methods, definitions, and assumptions. The results are not based on site specific data nor direct measurements.

4. Description of the method used to demonstrate the impact for each selected claim (Step 7)

The methodology for the activities related to forest carbon  was developed by a Kyoto University team. The team from Kyoto University, staff from WWF Indonesia and from Ratah P.T. placed temporary plots in the concessionaccording to different types of strata . The Methodology referring based on Technical Report: Evaluation of ecosystem services provided by the PT. Ratah Timber, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Prepared by the Kyoto University Research Group. 2016

5.   Description of the verifiable targets related to maintenance and/or enhancement of declared ecosystem services (Step 5)


The results of carbon emission reductions show better results than the sub-national reference level in East Kalimantan (INCAS).

6.   Detailed results of the evaluation of impact (to supplement statement of results), including monitoring results (Step 8)


Estimated carbon densities (ton/ha) within the management unit of the PT. Ratah Timber as of 2010 and 2015 are indicatedin figure 2. Mean carbon density of the entire management unit including the eastern section allocated to local communities is estimated to be 224
(±163) ton/ha as of 2015. It is estimated that the total amount of carbon is 22.03 million tons in the total area of the management unit.  Mean (±standard deviation) carbon density of the area for 2010 and 2015 was 227 (±172) ton/ha and 224 (±163) ton/ha, respectively.

Based on this information, there was a decrease in number for average carbon from 2010 to 2015 by 10.0ton/ha excluding the Eastern Area, and by2.8 ton/ha including the eastern areas.

Carbon density is low in the eastern section allocated to local communities obviously due to the past forest fires and current shifting cultivation practices by local communities. Much greater densities of carbon are stocked in the western sections that are all ocated to log production and conservation. These values are estimated on a pixel basis (meaning that carbon density was estimated for each Land-sat pixel, 30 x 30 m, and mean and standard deviation were derived per total pixels).

If a t-test is applied straightforwardly to the pixel-basis values, the reduction of mean carbon density from 2010 to 2015 is statistically significant (p < 2.2e-16) irrespective of including or excluding the eastern areas.A histogram indicating the frequency distributions of carbon densities for 2010 and 2015 is shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. Frequency distributions of carbon densities for 2010 and 2015 with Standard Deviation (ton/ha)

Figure 3. Indication of carbon density period from 2010 and 2015

The result of regional reference level of carbon emissions in East Kalimantan using some published reference (INCAS 2015) Dur ing the years 2005 – 2012 (see baseline section).

On average East Kalimantan has lost due to logging 60.2 tons of carbon per hectare per year from 2001 to 2012, while Ratah only lost 2.8 tons/ha cumulatively in the last 5 years when excluding the eastern area allocated to local communities.Total area of Ratah is 93.425 Ha. The total carbon loss for the entire area was 2.8 x 93.425 Ha= 261.590 ton for five years. Total logging area was now
correctly 11.761,86 Ha. Therefore, carbon loss per Ha in logged forests was 261.590 divided by 11.761,86 Ha = 22.24ton/Ha, which is for the five years between 2010 and 2015. If five years, then 22.24 ton/Ha divided by 5 year = 4.68 ton/Ha/yr, the number is low compared with60.2 ton carbon/Ha (INCAS baseline.

Documentation Ecosystem Services Certification Assesment.

Ecosystem Services Certification Document (Biological Diversity Conservation)

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Ecosystem Services Certification Document

Declaration of the ecosystem services for Carbon Sequestration and Storage

1. Description of the current condition of the declared ecosystem service(s) and the area that is being managed to maintain and/or enhance the ecosystem service(s) within the management unit (Step 2)

(Table 1).

Table 1. Zonation areas in forest concession on Ratah Timber.

Regarding Ecosystem Services, Ratah Timber is managed for forest carbon and protection of biodiversity.

2. Threats to the declared ecosystem service(s) within and outside of the management unit (Step3)

A. Encroachment of forest concession conducted by local people. Activities to mitigate threats

  1. Patrol and monitoring in the forest concession (ground check, analysis Citra satellite for forest cover series).
  2. Install information boards about the prohibition to convert forests areas and related punishment.
  3. Raise awareness about the regulation that prohibits conversion to farm.
  4. Collaborate s with communities to implement reforestation activities in opened areas.

B. Illegal loggings activities by local communities. Activities to mitigate threats

  1. Patrol and monitoring in the forest concession.
  2. Raise awareness about the regulation that prohibits illegal logging in the forest concessions.
  3. Install information boards about the prohibition of illegal logging and related punishment Check by satellite Landsat the location of deforestation areas.

C. Forest fire. Activities to mitigate threats

  1. Patrol and monitoring in the areas with fire potential
  2. Raise awareness about the regulation that prohibits to start fire (burning forest), especially in areas with high risk c. Put the boards prohibition for forest areas with high risk fire (hot spot fire)
  3. Ground check and monitoring with Landsat satellite to identify hot spot in the dry forest (low land and peat land)
  4. Implement an early warning system.

D. Illegal hunting. Activities to mitigate threats

  1. Patrol and monitoring in the forest concession.
  2. Raise awareness about the regulation that prohibits illegal hunting in the forest concessions.
  3. Install information boards about the prohibition of including the related punishment.
  4. Collaborate with police to enforce the regulation and consult experts about the status of wildlife (rare, endangered, critical endangered, etc)

3. Description of the baseline for the selected outcome indicator(s) (Step 6)

(compared from before and after)

Abundance of medium- to large-sized mammals with some ground-bird species before and after logging. Impacts of recent logging operation were evaluated by comparing the abundance (number of photographs) of each animal species between the area (including 4 plots) harvested only once in 1977-1997 and the area (including also 4 plots) harvested twice in 1973-1976 and 2003-2013.

4. Description of the method used to demonstrate the impact for each selected claim (Step 7)

The methodology to evaluatebiodiversity for ES scheme was originally developed by a Kyoto University team. Kyoto and WWF collaborativelyinstalled sensor cameras in the field (Ratah Timber forest concession) to monitor medium to large animals . The Methodology referred here is based on Technical Report: Evaluation of ecosystem services provided by the PT. Ratah Timber, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Prepared by the Kyoto University Research Group. 2016

5. Description of the verifiable targets related to maintenance and/or enhancement of declared ecosystem services (Step 5)


Maintains population of medium to large-sized animal species to and around the forest concession at highest density.

6. Detailed results of the evaluation of impact (to supplement statement of results), including monitoring results (Step 8)

Biodiversity Inventory of medium- to large-sized mammal species was conducted with sensor cameras in the entire management unit (except for the north detached section) for two years from early June 2012 until early July 2014. A total of 29 mammal species were recorded during the 22,399 camera*days, which includes two endangered (EN) species and 11 vulnerable (VU) species on the IUCN Red List (Annex 1). Sensor cameras also photographed five ground-bird species with one endangered (EN) species and one vulnerable (VU) species.

Figure 2. Abundance sin some rare and endangered speciesin Ratah.

Documentation Ecosystem Services Certification Assesment